Do You Qualify for Dental Implants?

Our Berkeley, CA area patients know exactly what it takes to be a good patient for treatment with dental implants. What makes dental implants in Berkeley completely unique among teeth restoration treatments is the fact that they are integrated into your jawbone through a biological process called osseointegration. It is this assimilation into your oral anatomy that allows your dental implants to work and feel just like your natural teeth. However, in order for this process to be successful, there are many standards you must meet. In fact, you may require a supplementary procedure before you can move forward with the implant procedure. Today, Dr. Anthony Dailley is blogging from Berkeley, CA to talk about the various factors that determine a patients candidacy for treatment with dental implants.

What Makes a Good Dental Implant Candidate?

There are many aspects of your health we look at before allowing a patient to move forward with the dental implant procedure. For instance, we check to make sure that each patients mouth is free of any dangerous oral conditions, as they can prevent implants from healing properly. It is also important that a patient be in good general health as well, as the procedure can be rather intense. Some patients may also not qualify for implant treatment because of their age. This is because when we are young, our teeth are in a state of change. A patient cannot move forward with the implant procedure until their teeth are finished growing.

A good candidate for treatment with dental implants will also be free of jawbone deterioration and gum recession. It turns out that, when you lose a tooth, both your jawbone and gums will begin to deteriorate because they are no longer able to get the exercise they need to stay healthy and strong. As a result of this deterioration, your jaw structure may be weakened to the point where it will no longer be able to support dental implants.

If you are suffering from either jawbone deterioration or gum recession, you may still be able to move forward with treatment using dental implants. Fortunately, we can perform supplementary procedures that can restore the damage done by these conditions. For instance, if you are suffering from jawbone deterioration, we can perform bone grafting to restore your jawbone back to a healthy state. This procedure takes bone samples from another part of your body, usually the hipbone, and grafts them to the deficient areas of your jawbone. For our patients with gum recession, a similar procedure, called soft tissue augmentation, can be performed.

Call and Schedule a Consultation in Berkeley, CA

In order to determine your candidacy for treatment with dental implants, you will need to call and schedule a no-obligation consultation with dental implant provider, Dr. Anthony Dailley, today. During your consultation, Dr. Dailley will perform a thorough examination to find out whether or not you might be a good candidate for treatment with dental implants. We will also take the time to address any additional questions or concerns you may have regarding the implant process at this time. We encourage you to contact us soon so that we can help you along your way to a restored smile as soon as possible!