Your Oral Health and Dental Implants

Our Berkeley, CA area patients know that tooth decay and gum disease can occur if they fail to restore their missing teeth with dental implants.It would shock our many teeth restoration patients to learn just how many people choose to go on without restoring their missing teeth. These people tend to believe that if their missing teeth are not affecting them in an adverse way, then there is no reason to do anything about those teeth. What they don’t realize is that there are many potential problems that can be caused by the empty spots left behind by missing teeth. Today, Dr. Anthony Dailley is blogging from Berkeley, CA to talk about just some of the issues that can arise because of the empty spaces left by missing teeth.

Prevent Gum Disease and Tooth Decay with Dental Implants

When you lose a tooth, all that you are left with is the empty space where that tooth used to reside. We call these spaces food traps because of how common it is for food and debris to get caught in these areas. This is not a good thing as it is possible for the food caught in these spaces to attract bacteria, which can cause an infection in your gums. When this happens, it is called gum disease, and some symptoms of it can include chronic bad breath, red or swollen gums, chewing pain, and gum recession. If left alone, gum disease can spread around your mouth, compromising your remaining natural teeth to the point where they will need to be removed.

Another possible issue that can arise because of food gaps is teeth drifting. What many people don’t realize is that our teeth work together to keep each other firmly in place. When you lose a tooth, it is possible for the surrounding teeth to lean into or move into these empty spaces. When this happens, it can make these teeth much harder to keep free of plaque. If left alone, this plaque can create acids that will proceed to eat away at the affected tooth. This is called tooth decay, and some symptoms of it can include chronic bad breath, off color spots on your teeth, and toothaches.

Luckily, it is possible for us to restore these missing teeth with dental implants. Dental implants are artificial tooth roots made from titanium that are fused to your jawbone. What makes dental implants such a great option for restoring these teeth is the fact that they can perfectly replicate your natural teeth, providing you with beautiful replacements that work and feel just like your original teeth.

Call and Schedule a Consultation in Berkeley, CA

We understand that many of our current and prospective patients suffering from missing teeth fail to pursue treatment with dental implants because of the costs involved. Because of this, we are happy to offer our patients a variety of different financing options and payment plans that can help fit dental implants into any budget. If you would like to learn more about the dental implant process or our financing options, we encourage you to contact us and schedule a no-obligation consultation with Dr. Anthony Dailley today. We look forward to working with you soon!