Manual Toothbrushes vs Electric Toothbrushes

Man using a manual toothbrushAs today’s technology progresses, it’s only natural for old tools to get upgraded. Manual toothbrushes have been the typical way to brush teeth for a long time, but more and more people are choosing electric toothbrushes to complete their oral hygiene. Choosing the right toothbrush for you can depend on a variety of factors. Prices, effectiveness and portability are all factors that can influence a person to choose a particular type of toothbrush. The type of toothbrush you choose can be critical to remove plaque and prevent tooth decay in the most effective way. Today, Dr. Anthony Dailley is blogging from Berkeley, CA to discuss the pros and cons for each type of toothbrush.

Manual Toothbrush

Manual brushes have been the long-time method for cleaning teeth. They come in a variety of colors and styles and one of the biggest advantages of a manual toothbrush is the low cost. Manual toothbrushes are easily affordable and are usually no more than $10. Since they are so affordable, you can easily switch your toothbrush out every couple months. There are also different types of bristles available for those looking for a variety of options

Some of the disadvantages include increased risk of damaging your gums. It’s easy to brush too hard with a manual toothbrush, causing gum damage each time you brush. Manual toothbrushes are also less effective with less strokes per minute than electric toothbrushes.

Electric Toothbrush

Electric toothbrushes have gained popularity for good reason. With an electronic toothbrush, you’re able to clean your teeth in a more proper way with an increased amount of strokes per minute. Many electronic toothbrushes will also alert you when two minutes are up, so you can be sure you’re brushing for the recommended two minutes each time you clean your teeth. Using an electric toothbrush also takes the guess work out of how to brush. The device will remove the plaque off in a gentle way, so you won’t have to worry about brushing too hard.

The price of electric toothbrushes is the biggest disadvantage for many. Prices can vary from $50 all the way up to $200. You’ll also have to replace the toothbrush head, which will add to the already high cost of this method. The electric toothbrush is also quite a bit more bulky, so traveling with it is a bit more difficult. You’ll also have to worry about either charging or replacing the battery out of your electronic toothbrush.

Contact our Office

Choosing a toothbrush that can best work for you can be a difficult task, although it’s important to prevent tooth decay and eventual tooth loss. If you already have one or more missing teeth, contact our office to start your dental implant process. You can begin the process of restoring your smile by scheduling your free, no-obligation consultation.